Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 571-544-9444

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    aka  988 Suicide & Crisis Hotline

    24/7 – 365 days. Free. Confidential.

    If you are in crisis or someone you care about needs help, it’s imperative that help is sought immediately.  It is a support for people in distress, prevention, and crisis resources for you or loved ones.  

    There are several ways to connect, here’s how:

    Call:  (to Crisis Counselor):  9 8 8

    Text(with Crisis Counselor):  h o m e  to 7 4 1 7 4 1

    Chat online:  9 8 8 l i f e l i n e . o r g

                Link:  #

    For Deaf/Hard of hearing: ASL now.

                   Link:  #

    Veterans Crisis Line 

    24/7 – 365 days. Free. Confidential.

    Veterans Crisis Line can help even if you’re not enrolled in VA benefits or health care.  

    Call  (to Crisis Counselor) 9 8 8  then  press 1

    Text  (for Crisis Counselor) 8 3 8 2 5 5

    Chat online: Link below

     Link: #